Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another week has flown by.....


Yes, another week has flown by. Nathan is playing his debut game tonight as a "professional" ball player. We will, of course, be glued to the computer watching the game later this evening. He is in Idaho Falls, Idaho and this is the third game this week that they have played. Unfortunately they have lost the 2 former games, but Nathan has been sitting the bench. Things will most likely change tonight, at least we are hoping for a win and are excited to see Nathan play his first major league baseball game!

Nathan posted some pictures on his blog of the Grand Teton Mountains. He says he has seen lots of wildlife, too. It is truly beautiful country out there and he is really blessed to get to see some of it. I am sure that the bus is not the best way to travel but at least he can see some pretty sites. Soon he will hopefully get to see the Salt Lake. I was in Idaho and surrounding areas about 25 years ago but I will never forget the sites. I wonder if he will get to see the Snake River or not. That is the river that Evil Kenievel jumped. Anyone know who that is besides Uncle Billy?


Oh my gosh, Nathan played an awesome game last night. Here we are watchingthe game, well everyone but me because I took the picture. He had a hit and a homerun! Can you believe it? On his professional debut he hit a homerun over the centerfield fence! We were so excited to hear...oh yea, the stupid computer lost the signal right when Nathan came to bat, so we had to hear about it. We didn't even get to see it. Stupid internet. Anyway, it doesn't matter because he did a fabulous job and we are so proud of him. We are hoping that he'll be playing again tonight. This is the last game they'll play in Idaho Falls.

I don't know much more to talk about today. We will be getting ready for the big game tonight. Hopefully I will have lots of great news tomorrow or Sunday. We will be at a barbeque on Saturday with the sweetest baby in the world. it is supposed to be another HOT one so I suppose we will come home and fall out. Until then.......

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